Zaful 4th Anniversary. My summer wishlist - Straw Bags

     Recently I watched a video on YouTube by a fashion blogger and was very inspired by her summer images, which she supplemented with various straw bags. It looked so stylish and unusual that I really wanted to look for a straw bag. This trend for straw bags has captured all fashionable women of the world and they began to appear in photo sessions in all corners of the globe. But, as we all understand, the fact that VERY HOT, very quickly fills the edge and quickly becomes an anti-trend. Therefore, buying an expensive straw bag, which for sure will no longer be relevant next year, is simply pointless. Therefore, to search for a suitable straw bag, I rushed to the ZAFUL. And it was there that I found several straw bags that hooked me. By the way, ZAFUL celebrates its 4th birthday, and in honor of this great event you can find there many great discounts. Let's see....

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YouTube Celebrities on Zaful Anniversary

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24 комментария:

  1. These straw bags are super pretty!!!! Great selection.

    Have a lovely weekend dear.

  2. Hello! Beautyfull bags!
    you have a fantastic blog. I had to translate an entry into Polish, because I say, write and read mainly in Polish: D you write great, you are a very inspiring and interesting person! I really like it here :) when you have free time, I invite you to myself :)
    Kisses from Poland :*

  3. Как же мне нравится этот тренд! Прямо ассоциация с летом и солнышком. Чудесные модели! Надо присмотреть и себе. Оксаночка, спасибо за вдохновение!

  4. It's a really good mask =)

    Great post, this bags are beautiful.

  5. Оксаночка, красивая подборка! Я как раз в поиске соломенной сумочки)

  6. Great Selection of Bags! I love the one with the little Flowers. :)

    lovely Greetings <3

  7. Thanks a lot :D

    all bags are cool, but I'm in love with the first :D

    InstagramFacebook Official PageMiguel Gouveia / Blog Pieces Of Me :D

  8. Great picks, I like the one with the scarf!
    Have a lovely day :)
    Rosanna x
    Rose's Rooftop

  9. Я тоже очень люблю соломенные сумки или просто плетеные. На лето, это так красиво и необычно!


  10. Отличная подборка! Мне нравятся соломенные сумочки)

  11. Hello, what a beautiful thing you teach us, I take note, because I was looking for similar ideas, I will see on the web if I find it and I take it. Thank you

  12. Очень красивая подборка сумочек

  13. Какие симпатичные сумочки! Особенно мне приглянулась самая первая, с коричневыми ручками. Она у меня уже в корзине на сайте лежит))
    Я вообще большая поклонница соломки, у меня уже есть штук 5 разных сумочек, но я всегда хочу еще)) И пусть лето короткое, зато соломенные сумки актуальны каждый год. Да и лето теперь можно устроить в любое время, так что соломка - неплохая инвестиция))


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